Accompaniment text for Evangela Lines-Morison’s exhibition ‘Common Grace’ at Conners Conners Gallery, Melbourne, March 2023

See link to exhibition text here

‘Ships in the Night’ accompaniment essay for Trent Crawford and Stanton Cornish-Ward’s ‘Lock’, Discordia Gallery, Melbourne 2021See link to show and full text here

‘Ships in the Night’ accompaniment essay for Trent Crawford and Stanton Cornish-Ward’s ‘Lock’, Discordia Gallery, Melbourne 2021

See link to show and full text here

‘Interiority’ for Swimsuit Issue edited and published by Lei Lei Kung, 2020 (Read full text here)

'Pixels, Rainbows Balloons' Accompaniment essay for Trent Crawford's The Anomalous Image at c3 gallery Abbotsford Convent, 2019; graphic design by Matthew Justice, 2019 (Read full text here)

‘Looking In’ in The Big Hole, published by Selena Repanis and Izzy Hardisty, 2018