Paris is jazz, 2022
Paris is jazz, 2022

Graphite on cotton paper, hardwood frame, 29.7 x 42 cm.
Documentation by Madé Spencer-Castle

Magic, 2022
Magic, 2022

Graphite on cotton paper, hardwood frame

29.7 x 42 cm

Documentation by Madé Spencer-Castle

E flat minor, 2022
E flat minor, 2022

Graphite on cotton paper, hardwood frame

59.4 x 84.1 cm

Documentation by Madé Spencer-Castle

VHS Case, 2022
VHS Case, 2022

Graphite and soft pastel on cotton paper, hardwood frame

29.7 x 42 cm

Documentation by Madé Spencer-Castle

Commotion, 2022
Commotion, 2022

Graphite and soft pastel on cotton paper, hardwood frame

29.7 x 42 cm

Documentation by Madé Spencer-Castle

Everything happens so much, 2022
Everything happens so much, 2022

Graphite and soft pastel on cotton paper, hardwood frame 59.4 x 84.1 cm

Documentation by Madé Spencer-Castle

 Exhibition view  Documentation by Madé Spencer-Castle

Exhibition view

Documentation by Madé Spencer-Castle

 Exhibition view  Documentation by Madé Spencer-Castle

Exhibition view

Documentation by Madé Spencer-Castle

 Exhibition view  Documentation by Madé Spencer-Castle

Exhibition view

Documentation by Madé Spencer-Castle

 Exhibition view  Documentation by Madé Spencer-Castle

Exhibition view

Documentation by Madé Spencer-Castle

 Exhibition view  Documentation by Madé Spencer-Castle

Exhibition view

Documentation by Madé Spencer-Castle

 Exhibition view  Documentation by Madé Spencer-Castle

Exhibition view

Documentation by Madé Spencer-Castle

 Exhibition view  Documentation by Madé Spencer-Castle

Exhibition view

Documentation by Madé Spencer-Castle

Paris is jazz, 2022
Magic, 2022
E flat minor, 2022
VHS Case, 2022
Commotion, 2022
Everything happens so much, 2022
 Exhibition view  Documentation by Madé Spencer-Castle
 Exhibition view  Documentation by Madé Spencer-Castle
 Exhibition view  Documentation by Madé Spencer-Castle
 Exhibition view  Documentation by Madé Spencer-Castle
 Exhibition view  Documentation by Madé Spencer-Castle
 Exhibition view  Documentation by Madé Spencer-Castle
 Exhibition view  Documentation by Madé Spencer-Castle
Paris is jazz, 2022

Graphite on cotton paper, hardwood frame, 29.7 x 42 cm.
Documentation by Madé Spencer-Castle

Magic, 2022

Graphite on cotton paper, hardwood frame

29.7 x 42 cm

Documentation by Madé Spencer-Castle

E flat minor, 2022

Graphite on cotton paper, hardwood frame

59.4 x 84.1 cm

Documentation by Madé Spencer-Castle

VHS Case, 2022

Graphite and soft pastel on cotton paper, hardwood frame

29.7 x 42 cm

Documentation by Madé Spencer-Castle

Commotion, 2022

Graphite and soft pastel on cotton paper, hardwood frame

29.7 x 42 cm

Documentation by Madé Spencer-Castle

Everything happens so much, 2022

Graphite and soft pastel on cotton paper, hardwood frame 59.4 x 84.1 cm

Documentation by Madé Spencer-Castle

Exhibition view

Documentation by Madé Spencer-Castle

Exhibition view

Documentation by Madé Spencer-Castle

Exhibition view

Documentation by Madé Spencer-Castle

Exhibition view

Documentation by Madé Spencer-Castle

Exhibition view

Documentation by Madé Spencer-Castle

Exhibition view

Documentation by Madé Spencer-Castle

Exhibition view

Documentation by Madé Spencer-Castle

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